Something that has always struck me as quite bizarre as I drive around Sunshine Coast is that we seem to have a gym or yoga studio on every corner (quite […]
According to top psychologists there are five main ways in which we can 'benefit' from the post traumatic growth that can occur post trauma.
Why wait until your own mortality is upon you to have these realisations?
Why not let yourself be happier now?
Why not find the courage to express your true self?
Why live a life that others expect of you rather than being true to your own dreams?
It's a strange thing, Fear!Fear is absolutely necessary for the survival of the human race, yet none of us likes it. Possibly it is because we have learnt to generalise that the important things in life are all pleasurable. Is it possible that we have lost the ability to appreciate the value of fear?
Have your kids all started going to school now? Are you left with time between school dropoff and school pickup and you are unsure what to do with yourself?