As you woke up this morning and got yourself going for the day, you gathered up a host of beliefs to take with you.
Like a pair of spectacles, your beliefs act as lenses creating a perspective through which Your view of the world is determined.
* You have beliefs about yourself (your skills, your values,your dignity, your weaknesses)
* You have beliefs about other people (what makes them tick, what makes them tick, what they want, how to relate to them etc)
* You have beliefs about work, play, hobbies and voluntary activities.
* You have beliefs about the world (politics,education, crime, police, the justice system, other countries, wars, journalism and the environment)
* You have beliefs about thousands of different concepts (time, history, the past, the future, causation, personality, emotions, destiny, faith etc)
Furthermore, you operate from the basis of these beliefs as you navigate life’s journey, just as you would operate from a map to navigate an unfamiliar territory. It is therefore Critical that your beliefs about yourself are empowering, limitless and inspirational or else you are bound to get lost!